Fusion events identified through the Trans-ABySS pipeline: Reads are assembled into contigs using ABySS at multiple k-mer lengths. The multi-k assemblies are then merged into a single meta-assembly where perfectly matching sub-sequences are removed. The merged contig set is aligned against the reference genomic sequence using BLAT or BWA-SW (for genomic libraries). Split alignments are captured as putative 'fusion' events and filtered by criteria such as the two alignments must capture at least 90% of the contig length, the 2 query regions cannot overlap more than 5% of the contig length, etc (for more information please refer to the user manual at http://www.bcgsc.ca/downloads/trans-abyss/data/trans-abyss-manual-v1.3.2.pdf). The fusion events are then checked for read support based on 1) discordant read-pairs using a reads-to-genome BAM file generated by BCGSC's WTSS pipeline (using BWA); and 2) junction-spanning reads using a reads-to-contigs BAM file generated by BWA. Events that have at least 4 discordant read-pairs and 2 spanning reads are kept.