This topic provides information about DB2® installation methods. The following table shows the installation methods that are available by operating system.
Installation method | Windows® | Linux® or UNIX® |
DB2 Setup wizard | Yes | Yes |
Response file installation | Yes | Yes |
db2_install command | No | Yes |
Payload file deployment | No | Yes |
The following list describes DB2 installation methods.
The DB2 Setup wizard can also create DB2 instances and response files that can be used to duplicate this installation on other machines.
On Linux and UNIX platforms, an X server is required to display the DB2 Setup wizard.
A response file installation is also referred to as a silent installation.
Another advantage to response files is that they provide access to parameters that cannot be set using the DB2 Setup wizard.
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, if you embed the DB2 installation image in your own application, it is possible for your application to receive installation progress information and prompts from the installer in computer-readable form. This behavior is controlled by the INTERACTIVE response file keyword.
There are a number of ways to create a response file:
One benefit of this installation method is that you can create a response file without performing an installation. This feature can be useful to capture the options required to install the DB2 product. The response file can be used at a later time to install the DB2 product according to the exact options you specified.
You can export a client or server profile with the db2cfexp command to save your client or server configuration, and then easily import the profile using the db2cfimp command. A client or server profile exported with the db2cfexp command can also be imported during a response file installation using the CLIENT_IMPORT_PROFILE keyword.
You should export the client or server profile after performing the installation and cataloging any data sources.
Although the db2_install command installs all components for the DB2 product you specify, it does not perform user and group creation, instance creation, or configuration. This method of installation might be preferred in cases where configuration is to be done after installation. To configure your DB2 product while installing it, consider using the DB2 Setup wizard.
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, if you embed the DB2 installation image in your own application, it is possible for your application to receive installation progress information and prompts from the installer in computer-readable form.
This installation methods requires manual configuration after the product files are deployed.
This installation methods requires manual configuration after the product files are deployed.