DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Changing DB2 product editions >

Moving between DB2 database products (Linux and UNIX)

You can move from one DB2® database product edition to another (or from one DB2 copy to another) and preserve all information from the original DB2 database product installation. For example, you can move from DB2 Workgroup Server Edition to DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.

Before you begin

Your system must comply with the system prerequisites for the DB2 database product edition that you are installing.

About this task

Be careful when you issue the db2_deinstall command. If you issue the command without specifying appropriate command options, you might remove all DB2 database product components.

These instructions apply only when switching among the same version of a DB2 database product.


To move between DB2 database products:

  1. Complete the DB2 database product installation for the new edition.

    You do not need to create a new instance. Existing instances can be re-configured by issuing db2iupdt or db2nrupdt commands when the installation is complete.

  2. Add the license file for the new database product by issuing the db2licm command.
    db2licm -a LicenseFile
    The license file is found in the db2/license directory on the product activation CD.
  3. Obtain a list of the names of all instances on your system using the db2ilist command:
    where DB2DIR represents the location where the original DB2 database product is installed. By default, it is /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7 on Linux® and /opt/IBM/db2/V9.7 on UNIX® operating systems.
  4. Stop any of the instances that are running.
  5. To re-configure the instances, issue the following commands: For example:
    DB2DIR/bin/db2iupdt InstanceName
    where DB2DIR represents the location where the new DB2 database product is installed and InstanceName represents the name of the instance.
  6. Remove the original DB2 database product's license by issuing the db2licm command.
    1. Issue the command db2licm -l to find the original DB2 database product's product-identifier value.
    2. Issue the following command to remove the license:
      db2licm -r product-identifier
    3. Issue the command db2licm -l and check the expiry date value. If the original DB2 database product does not have an expiry date of Expired, repeat the db2licm -r command until you have successfully removed all of the original DB2 database product's licenses.
  7. Remove the original DB2 database product's signature:
    1. Find the product signature by issuing the db2ls command:
      db2ls -q -a -b DB2DIR
      where DB2DIR represents the location where the new DB2 database product is installed.

      You will see product signatures for both the old and new DB2 database products. For example, EXPRESS_PRODUCT_SIGNATURE or WSE_PRODUCT_SIGNATURE.

    2. Remove the old product signature by issuing the db2_deinstall command:
      DB2DIR/install/db2_deinstall -F product_signature
      where DB2DIR represents the location where the new DB2 database product is installed. You will no longer see the old product signature in the output from the db2ls command.
  8. (Optional) Uninstall the original DB2 database product.


When these steps are completed, your instances are configured to run in the new DB2 database product installation.

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