DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
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Installing IBM Data Server Driver Package (Linux and UNIX)

On Linux® and UNIX® operating systems, IBM® Data Server Driver Package simplifies application deployment. This driver, which has a small footprint, is designed to be redistributed by independent software vendors (ISVs) and to be used for application distribution in mass deployment scenarios typical of large enterprises.

To install IBM Data Server Driver Package, you need to obtain the compressed file that contains this driver package. Download this file from the Fix Pack and client download Web site: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21288110.

On Linux and UNIX operating systems, there is no installation program for IBM Data Server Driver Package. This driver package includes database drivers for Java, ODBC/CLI, PHP, and Ruby on Rails, each of which is stored in its own subdirectory. The Java and ODBC/CLI drivers are compressed. The basic extraction steps for each driver are the same:

  1. Uncompress the Data Server Driver Package archive.
  2. Find the files for the driver you need and copy them onto the target machine.
  3. For the Java and ODBC/CLI drivers, uncompress the driver file into your chosen install directory on the target machine.
  4. Optional: remove the compressed driver file.

Ruby on Rails

After installing Data Server Driver Package, you can optionally create and populate the configuration file, db2dsdriver.cfg, with database directory information.

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