DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
After you install a DB2 Server product > Post-installation tasks >

Deleting a Firefox browser profile

After you have run the DB2 Setup wizard or DB2® First Steps, you might want to delete the browser profile to prevent JavaScript™ from running automatically when visiting other Web pages with this profile.

About this task

If you use this profile to view other Web pages that have JavaScript, the JavaScript will run automatically without warnings.

If you use Firefox as your Web browser, a browser profile is created when you run DB2 First Steps. If you agree, a browser profile named DB2_FIRSTSTEPS is created.


To delete a Firefox browser profile:

  1. If any Firefox browsers are open, close them.
  2. Open the Firefox Profile Manager.
  3. Select the DB2_FIRSTSTEPS profile.
  4. Click Delete Profile...
  5. Click Exit to close the Firefox - Choose User Profile dialog.

What to do next

For further information about Firefox profiles, visit www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/profile

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