DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
After you install a DB2 Server product > Post-installation tasks >

Applying fix packs to a non-root installation

The task of applying fix packs to a non-root installation is essentially the same as applying fix packs to a root installation, with a few exceptions.

Before applying fix packs to a non-root installation, you must log on with the user ID that was used to install the non-root installation.

If you enabled root features in your non-root installation using the db2rfe command, you should locate the configuration file that was used when running the db2rfe command. That configuration file will be needed to re-enable the root features after you apply the fix pack.

To apply a fix pack to a non-root installation:

  1. Apply your fix pack according to the Applying fix packs topic.
    The installFixPack command's -b option is invalid for non-root installations.
  2. Optional: Run the db2rfe command. If you had root-based features enabled in your non-root installation, and if you want to re-enable those features, the db2rfe command must be rerun. Running this command requires root authority.
    If you edited $HOME/sqllib/instance/db2rfe.cfg when you first enabled root features, that configuration file will not have been overwritten when applying the fix pack, so you can reuse that file when running the db2rfe command. However, you should also check $HOME/sqllib/cfg/db2rfe.cfg.sample. If the fix pack introduced any new root features available to non-root installations, $HOME/sqllib/cfg/db2rfe.cfg.sample shows the new features.
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