IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent > IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent >
Installing IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent with the DB2 installer
Use of the Monitoring Agent for DB2® that is installed with the DB2 product is intended for users of Optim Database Administrator,
and has restricted use specific to supply monitoring information to
the Optim Database Administrator Health
and Availability monitoring feature only. Installation of the IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring
for Databases: DB2 Agent is
supported on Windows® operating
systems, and, root installations on Linux® and UNIX® operating systems.
Before you begin
installing a DB2 product with
either the DB2 setup wizard
or a response file, the Monitoring Agent for DB2 is installed by default. If you install your DB2 product using a response file,
you can choose to not install the Monitoring Agent for DB2 by changing the value of the INSTALL_ITMA
keyword. For more details, see "Response file keywords".
On Windows operating systems:
- Installation of the Monitoring Agent for DB2 is supported on all platforms supported by DB2 products, except Windows Vista and Windows 2008. This support includes installing
a Monitoring Agent for DB2 with
a non-administrator account with elevated privileges.
- If the DB2 copy being installed
is the default copy, all DB2 instances
are configured to use this copy of the Monitoring Agent for DB2. If this DB2 copy is not the default copy, the Monitoring
Agent for DB2 instance created
during the installation is configured to use the default DB2 copy.
- During DB2 product installation,
if a previous IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases product already
exists on the system, and, the existing Monitoring Agent for DB2 was not installed as part of
a previous DB2 product installation,
the DB2 installer does not configure DB2 instances for using the Monitoring
Agent for DB2. In this case,
neither the pre-existing Monitoring Agent for DB2, nor the Monitoring Agent for DB2 installed as part of the DB2 product installation are used. In addition,
the Monitoring Agent for DB2 instance
created during this DB2 product
installation is not configured to use the default DB2 copy.
- If you have multiple DB2 copies
on the same computer, some DB2 copies
might have a Monitoring Agent for DB2 installed
and some DB2 copies might not.
Only one DB2 copy can be the
default. When you switch DB2 default
copy, you need to consider the following:
- if the current DB2 default
copy had a Monitoring Agent for DB2 installed,
and you switch to a DB2 copy
that does not have a Monitoring Agent for DB2 installed, all Monitoring Agent for DB2 instances are unconfigured.
- if the current DB2 default
copy does not have a Monitoring Agent for DB2 installed, and you switch to a DB2 copy with a Monitoring Agent for DB2, you must create and configure
the Monitoring Agent for DB2 instances
for all DB2 instances on the
On Linux and UNIX operating systems:
- Installation of the Monitoring Agent for DB2 is valid for root installations only on all Linux and UNIX platforms that support the following DB2 products: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, DB2 Workgroup Server Edition, DB2 Personal Edition, DB2 Express Edition, DB2® Connect™ Enterprise Edition.
- The Monitoring Agent for DB2 exists
at the predefined location on the image media.
- Multiple copies of the Monitoring Agent for DB2 are allowed on the same system, however,
each Monitoring Agent for DB2 must
be configured to a different DB2 copy.
If a copy of the Monitoring Agent for DB2 is
already installed with the current DB2 copy,
the DB2 installer will not install
the Monitoring Agent for DB2.
- To install the Monitoring Agent for DB2 using DB2 Setup wizard, run DB2 Setup wizard and follow the instructions
in the wizard. The Monitoring Agent for DB2 is
installed by default.
- To install the Monitoring Agent for DB2 using
a response file, ensure the response file keyword INSTALL_ITMA is
set to "YES". In a response file installation operation, the default
behavior of the DB2 installer
is to install the Monitoring Agent for DB2 .
If INSTALL_ITMA is "YES", or if INSTALL_TSAMP is commented out or
missing from the response file, the DB2 installer
will install the Monitoring Agent for DB2.
To prevent the DB2 installer
from installing ITMA in a response file installation, set INSTALL_ITMA
to "NO".
Check the messages in the log file when the installation finishes.
- On Windows operating
systems, by default the installation log file is located in the My
Documents\DB2LOG\ directory. The log file uses the following format:
DB2-ProductAbrrev-DateTime.log, for example, DB2-ESE-Tue Apr 04 17_04_45
- On Linux and UNIX operating systems, by default the installation
logs are located in the /tmp directory:
- db2setup.log
- db2setup.err
- The itm_install.log is located in the DB2 installation path. For example, DB2DIR/itma/logs/itm_install.log,
where DB2DIR represents the location where the DB2 copy is installed.
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