DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Uninstalling > Uninstalling your DB2 product (Linux and UNIX) >

Stopping root instances (Linux and UNIX)

You must stop all DB2® instances associated with the DB2 copy you are uninstalling. Instances associated with other DB2 copies might not be affected by uninstalling the current copy.

This task applies to DB2 products that were installed with root authority.

To stop a DB2 instance:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.
  2. Obtain a list of the names of all DB2 instances associated with your current DB2 copy by entering the following command:
    where DB2DIR is the location you specified during the DB2 Version 9 installation. The default installation path for UNIX® is /opt/IBM/db2/V9.7. The default installation path for Linux® is /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7.
  3. Run the script if it is not included in .profile.
    . INSTHOME/sqllib/db2profile       (bash, Bourne, or Korn shells)
    source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc    (C shell)
    where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance.
  4. It is recommended that you save the following files:
  5. Stop the DB2 database manager by entering the db2stop force command.
  6. Confirm that the instance is stopped by entering the db2 terminate command.
  7. Repeat these steps for each instance.

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