DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Setting up a partitioned database environment >

Setting up a partitioned database environment

This topic describes how to set up a partitioned database environment. You will use the DB2® Setup wizard to install your instance-owning database server and to create the response files that will in turn be used to create your participating database servers.

A partitioned database environment is not supported in non-root installations.

A database partition is part of a database that consists of its own data, indexes, configuration files, and transaction logs. A partitioned database is a database with two or more partitions.


To set up a partitioned database environment:

  1. Install your instance-owning database server using the DB2 Setup wizard. For detailed instructions, see the appropriate "Installing DB2 servers" topic for your platform.
  2. Make the DB2 install image available to all participating computers in the partitioned database environment.
  3. Distribute the participating database servers response file (PROD_ESE_addpart.rsp).
  4. Install a DB2 database server on each of the participating computers using the db2setup command on Linux and UNIX, or the setup command on Windows:
    Linux and UNIX
    Go to the directory where the DB2 product code is available and run:
    ./db2setup -r /responsefile_directory/response_file_name
    setup -u x:\responsefile_directory\response_file_name
    For example, here is the command using the PROD_ESE_addpart.rsp as the response file:
    Linux and UNIX
    Go to the directory where the DB2 product code is available and run:
    ./db2setup -r /db2home/PROD_ESE_addpart.rsp
    where /db2home is the directory where you have copied the response file.
    setup -u c:\resp_files\PROD_ESE_addpart.rsp
    where c:\resp_files\ is the directory where you have copied the response file.
  5. (Linux and UNIX only) Configure the db2nodes.cfg file. The DB2 installation only reserves the maximum number of logical partitions you want to use for the current computer, but does not configure the db2nodes.cfg file. If you do not configure the db2nodes.cfg file, the instance is still a single partitioned instance.
  6. Update the services file on the participating servers to define the corresponding FCM port for the DB2 instance. The services file is in the following location:
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