DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Response file installation >

Response file keywords

Response files use keywords. You can use a response file to perform tasks such as the following:

Sample response files are provided for both an installation and uninstallation. The following response file keywords are explained in conjunction with a sample response file. The edited response file must then be copied to your shared network drive or network file system where it will be used by your installation server.

The following response file keywords can be used to install a DB2 product, feature, or language. On Linux® or UNIX® platforms, some keywords are valid for root installation only.

Specifies the product that you want to install. Only one DB2 product can be installed at a time. Therefore, only one product can be specified with this keyword.
  1. You should not comment out the PROD keyword as you might have some missing components even with a successful response file installation.
  2. This keyword cannot be used with the db2isetup command -r response_file parameter.
Specifies the destination directory for a DB2 product.
On Windows operating systems, this keyword is limited to 110 characters.
Linux or UNIX
On Linux or UNIX operating systems, this keyword is mandatory for root installations.

DB2 installation paths have the following rules:

  • Can include lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), and the underscore character ( _ )
  • Cannot exceed 128 characters
  • Cannot contain spaces
  • Cannot contain non-English characters

This keyword is required for any response file used with the db2isetup command -r response_file parameter.

Windows platforms only and specific to DB2 Enterprise Server Edition. This keyword specifies the installation. The default is SINGLE_PARTITION.

The options are:

Indicates you have read and agree to the license agreement file in the db2/license directory on the DB2 product DVD. The default is DECLINE.

The options are:

  1. You must change this keyword to ACCEPT to signify your acceptance of the DB2 license agreement for the installation to proceed.
  2. This keyword cannot be used with the db2isetup command -r response_file parameter.
Linux or UNIX platforms only. Determines if installation provides prompting for location of the national language package (either on DVDs or fileset location) and progress reports.

The options are:

  1. When NONE is specified, there is no interaction.
  2. When YES is specified, progress information and prompt information displays to the console. During installation, if a language is missing, you are prompted for the location of the national language package.
  3. Specify MACHINE to receive progress or prompt information in a format easily parsed by another program. A sample program is also provided, see Embedding the DB2 installation image (Linux and UNIX).
This keyword is deprecated and will be discontinued in a future release. Linux or UNIX platforms only. Specifies that this response file is for performing configuration tasks only. For example, creating a new instance using the db2isetup command.

The options are:

Specifies the type of install.

The options are:

A compact or typical install type will ignore any custom keywords (COMP).
This keyword cannot be used with the db2isetup command -r response_file parameter.
Windows platforms only. Represents the name used to refer to a set of DB2 products installed in the same location. This name is limited to 64 characters.
Windows platforms only. Specifies if the copy being installed or modified should be set as the default DB2 copy used by DB2 applications. The default is NO unless this is the only DB2 copy installed.

The options are:

Windows platforms only. Represents the name used to refer to the IBM® Data Server Driver Package installed. Valid only when the PROD keyword is set to IBM_DATA_SERVER_DRIVER. This name is limited to 64 characters.
Windows platforms only. Specifies if the copy of DB2 products, or the IBM Data Server Driver Package, installed should be set as the default IBM database client interface copy. If this keyword is set to YES, the IBM data server client interface (ODBC/CLI driver and .NET data provider) in the copy is the default driver to be used by the applications. If you are installing the IBM Data Server Driver, the default is NO unless the computer does not have a DB2 product, or the IBM Data Server Driver Package, installed. If you are installing other products, the default is the value of the DEFAULT_COPY keyword.

The options are:

AIX® and Linux platforms only. Specifies support of IBM Tivoli® System Automation for Multiplatforms. The default value is YES.

The options are:

Specifies that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent is installed from the DB2 installation media. The default value is YES.

The options are:

If you choose NO, to install IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases you need to set this keyword to YES and rerun the silent installation.
This keyword is deprecated and you should use the UPGRADE_PRIOR_VERSIONS keyword instead. Windows platforms only. Specifies if an existing version of the DB2 product is to be migrated. The default is FALSE.

The options are:

Specifies if an existing version of the DB2 product is to be upgraded. The default is FALSE.

The options are:

This keyword is supported on Linux, UNIX, and Windows platforms. However, on Linux and UNIX operating systems, this keyword is valid only for non-root installation. On Windows platforms, in addition to setting UPGRADE_PRIOR_VERSIONS to the value TRUE, you must also set the DB2_COPY_NAME keyword to the value of an existing copy name.

Linux and UNIX platforms only, and specific to non-root installation. Forces the db2setup command to ignore type-1 index checking. The default is NO.

The options are:

Linux or UNIX platforms only. This keyword is used only when "nlpack" is removed from the image and NL languages are selected to install. This keyword specifies the location of the nlpack. The path can be the location of the product DVD, or, the location where the contents of the DVD has been saved.

Built in search paths allow automatic searching of the same parent directory. For example, if the contents of a DB2 product DVD are copied into subdirectories:


The subdirectories are automatically searched without specifying each subdirectory:


This includes searching subdirectories for the national language DVD.

If the contents of a DB2 product DVD are copied into different parent directories, this keyword can be repeated as many times as required. For example:

Specifies the components that you want to install. The setup program automatically installs components that are required for a product.

In a custom install, you must select components individually. This can be done by uncommenting the COMP keywords for the components that you want installed (this differs depending on the product).

This keyword is ignored unless your INSTALL_TYPE is CUSTOM.
This refers to language selection keywords. You must uncomment any additional languages that you would like to install. The English language is mandatory and is always selected.
Specifies a file name with a full path to a profile exported by the db2cfexp command. The profile contains instance related parameters.
Windows platforms only. Specifies whether to restart the system when the installation or uninstallation has completed. The default is NO.

The options are:

Windows platforms only. If you have an existing version of DB2 and it is running and this keyword is set to YES, it will terminate your running DB2 processes without prompt.

The options are:

Specifies if the email address contact on the notification and contact list is new or existing. The email address does not need to be provided if there is an existing email address. On Linux or UNIX platforms, this keyword is valid only for root installation.

The options are:

This keyword is optional. If the keyword is not specified, by default the contact is considered as a new contact.

Windows platforms only. Use this keyword to enter the GUID used by DB2 applications using OLE DB. If you do not specify this keyword, it is generated.
Windows platforms only. Specifies whether to create the DAS or not.

The options are:

Windows platforms only. Specifies to check that the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path is in the PATH environment variable. The default value is YES.

The options are:

DB2 Administration Server settings
To enable any of the following DAS settings, remove the * (uncomment). This setting is applicable for Windows, Linux and UNIX environments but on Linux or UNIX platforms, this keyword is valid for root installation only.

The following options specify where the DAS contact list will be kept. On Linux or UNIX platforms, these options are valid for root installation only. If the contact list is remote, then you must specify a username and password that has authority to add a contact to the system.

Special instance specifications
This takes the instance section not instance name. The instance section must exist in the response file.
Instance specifications
For root installations, you can use the response file to create as many instances as you want. To create a new instance you must specify an instance section using the INSTANCE keyword. Once this has been done, any keywords that contain the value specified in INSTANCE as a prefix belong to that instance. On Windows platforms, you can also specify LOCALSYSTEM as a valid userid that does not require a password. The LOCALSYSTEM userid is available for all products, except DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.

The following are examples of instance specifications for Windows, Linux and UNIX platforms:

The keyword START_DURING_INSTALL determines if the instance is started after installation. The keyword AUTOSTART determines if the instance is auto started after system reboot. If START_DURING_INSTALL is not specified, AUTOSTART also determines if the instance is started after installation.
Database Section
These keywords can be used to have the installation create or catalog a database on the machine that is being installed.

* these keywords are only used for REMOTE databases 
    that are being cataloged
On Linux or UNIX platforms, this keyword is valid for root installation only. This keyword specifies the database to use to store the tools catalog. The value for this keyword should be one of the database section keywords that were specified in the response file.
To set the tools catalog schema, remove the * (uncomment) from the following:
*TOOLS_CATALOG_SCHEMA = toolscat_schema
On Linux or UNIX platforms, this keyword is valid for root installation only.
Contact Section
These keywords define a contact section that will be created by the installation process if it does not already exist. The Health notifications for the instance that is specified will be sent to this contact.
CONTACT = contact_section
contact_section.NEW_CONTACT = YES
contact_section.CONTACT_NAME = contact name
contact_section.INSTANCE = DB2_INSTANCE
contact_section.EMAIL = Email address
contact_section.PAGER = NO
On Linux or UNIX platforms, this keyword is valid for root installation only.
DB2 Information Center settings Section
The default location for accessing the DB2 documentation is the IBM Web site. Only edit this section if you want to access DB2 documentation from a different location, such as your local computer or an intranet server.

The following options specify the host name and port number where the Information Center server is installed, and the service name and port number that the Information Center server service uses.

*DB2_DOCHOST = hostname
*DB2_DOCPORT = 1024-65535
DB2_ECLIPSEIC_SVCENAME and DB2_ECLIPSEIC_PORT are only valid for the installation of the DB2 Information Center.
Extended security section
Windows platforms only. These keywords define a security section.
No configuration option
Windows platforms only. This keyword gives you the option to install a DB2 product with only the mandatory configuration. The DB2 instance must be created manually. The default is NO.
*NO_CONFIG   		= NO				

The options are:

Query Patroller
These keywords can be used to install Query Patroller.
databas1.QP_CONTROL_TABLESPACE = db2qpControlTableS 
databas1.QP_CONTROL_DBPARTITIONNUM = 0,1,2,...,999
databas1.QP_CONTROL_PATH = any valid path
databas1.QP_CONTROL_DMS  = NO              
databas1.QP_CONTROL_DMS_NUMPAGES = any non-negative integer
databas1.QP_RESULT_TABLESPACE = db2qpResultTableS 
databas1.QP_RESULT_DBPARTITIONNUM =  0,1,2,...,999
databas1.QP_RESULT_PATH  = any valid path
databas1.QP_RESULT_DMS   = NO 
databas1.QP_RESULT_DMS_NUMPAGES = any non-negative integer 
databas1.QP_REPLACE      =   YES 

On Windows platforms only, the following additional keywords for Query Patroller Server User Information are required:


db2rfe configuration file

Keywords for the db2rfe configuration file
Use the following keywords to select features and settings to create the db2rfe configuration file:
Specifies the user name who owns the non-root installation copy.
Do not comment out the INSTANCENAME keyword. This is required keyword.
AIX only. For other platforms, refer to the system documentation to set this manually. On AIX, when this keyword is set to YES, the db2rfe command sets the hard and soft data parameter to unlimited, hard and soft file size to unlimited, and, sets the hard and soft nofile parameter to 65536.

The options are:

  • YES
  • NO

The default is NO.

AIX, Linux on AMD64/EM64T, and Linux on POWER™ only. Enables the DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS). The default value is NO.

The options are:

  • NO
  • YES
Specifies support of High Availability using IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatform. The default value is NO.

The options are:

  • NO
  • YES
Specifies support of operating system authentication for database connection. The default value is NO.

The options are:

  • NO
  • YES
Reserves service for a remote connection. The default value is NO.

The options are:

  • NO
  • YES
  1. If the database manager configuration parameter SVCENAME has a value, and keywords SVCENAME or SVCEPORT are also provided in the configuration file, all three values must match.
  2. If the database manager configuration parameter SVCENAME has a value, and either keyword SVCENAME or SVCEPORT is not provided, either port_number or service_name of SVCNAME is used with a generated service_name or port_number respectively.
  3. If the database manager configuration parameter SVCENAME is not set, and neither keyword SVCENAME and SVCEPORT are provided, a default service name and port number is generated and reserved.
Used with keyword RESERVE_REMOTE_CONNECTION. Specifies the service name of a remote connection. This keyword is limited to 14 characters.
Used with keyword RESERVE_REMOTE_CONNECTION. Specifies a port number of a remote connection within the range 1024 - 65535.
Reserves the service entry for the port used by DB2 Text Search. The default value is NO.

The options are:

  • NO
  • YES
Used with keyword RESERVE_REMOTE_CONNECTION. Specifies the service name of the service entry for the port used by DB2 Text Search. This keyword is limited to 14 characters.
Used with keyword RESERVE_REMOTE_CONNECTION. Specifies a port number of the service entry for the port used by DB2 Text Search.

See the related links for the configuration parameters summary, and, DB2 registry and environment variables.

Uninstallation keywords

The following response file keywords can be used to uninstall a product, feature, or language:

Uninstallation keywords
Specifies the DB2 product you want to uninstall. You can uninstall DB2 products individually or you can uninstall all DB2 products. To uninstall all products in the current installation copy, specify REMOVE_PROD=ALL. On Windows operating systems, this keyword cannot be combined with REMOVE_COMP, REMOVE_LANG, or REMOVE_ITMA.
Specifies the DB2 components you want to uninstall. On Windows operating systems, this keyword cannot be combined with REMOVE_PROD.
Specifies the languages you want to uninstall. English cannot be uninstalled. To uninstall all languages, except English, from the current installation copy, specify REMOVE_LANG=ALL. On Windows operating systems, this keyword cannot be combined with REMOVE_PROD.
Specifies the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent is to be uninstalled. The default is NO.

The options are:

  • YES
  • NO

On Windows operating systems, this keyword cannot be combined with REMOVE_PROD.

AIX and Linux platforms only. Specifies the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms to be uninstalled. The default is NO.

The options are:

  • YES
  • NO

This keyword is only considered when a DB2 copy is removed. To remove a DB2 copy, specify each product or uncomment REMOVE_PROD=ALL.

Windows platforms only. Determines if the DAS is to be deleted. The default is YES.

The options are:

  • YES
  • NO

The keyword REMOVE_DAS will only be examined in the following situation:

  • there is more than one DB2 copy on the system,
  • the DAS is configured and active under the DB2 copy that is being removed, or
  • you choose to remove all server products in the DB2 copy

In this case, after the uninstallation, other DB2 copies that require the use of a DAS will not function properly. To correct the problem, use the dasupdt command to move the DAS to another DB2 copy.

When the keyword REMOVE_DAS is set to YES, and the conditions specified above are met, the uninstallation will always remove the DAS when removing the current DB2 copy. When the keyword REMOVE_DAS is set to NO, and the conditions specified above are met, the uninstallation will fail.

Windows platforms only. Specifies whether to restart the system when the installation or uninstallation has completed. The default is NO.

The options are:

  • YES
  • NO
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