#! /usr/bin/env Rscript ## To get the async package: ## source("https://install-github.me/r-lib/async") setup_app <- function() { theme <- list("url" = list(color = "blue")) app <- cliapp::start_app(theme = theme, output = "stdout") } load_packages <- function() { tryCatch({ library(cliapp) library(async) library(docopt) }, error = function(e) { cli_alert_danger("The {.pkg async} and {.pkg docopt} packages are needed!") q(save = "no", status = 1) }) } up <- function(urls, timeout = 5) { load_packages() setup_app() chk_url <- async(function(url, ...) { http_head(url, ...)$ then(function(res) { if (res$status_code < 300) { cli_alert_success("{.url {url}} ({res$times[['total']]}s)") } else { cli_alert_danger("{.url {url}} (HTTP {res$status_code})") } })$ catch(error = function(err) { e <- if (grepl("timed out", err$message)) "timed out" else "error" cli_alert_danger("{.url {url}} ({e})") }) }) invisible(synchronise( async_map(urls, chk_url, options = list(timeout = timeout)) )) } parse_arguments <- function() { "Usage: up.R [-t timeout] [URLS ...] up.R -h | --help Options: -t timeout Timeout for giving up on a site, in seconds [default: 5]. -h --help Print this help message Check if web sites are up. " -> doc docopt(doc) } if (is.null(sys.calls())) { load_packages() opts <- parse_arguments() up(opts$URLS, timeout = as.numeric(opts$t)) }