Source code for mavis_run

import os
import re
import sys

# local modules
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
from mavis.annotate import load_reference_genes, load_reference_genome, load_masking_regions, load_templates
from mavis import validate
from mavis import cluster
from mavis import pairing
from mavis import annotate
from mavis import __version__

from mavis.validate.constants import VALIDATION_DEFAULTS
import mavis.pipeline.config as pconf
from mavis.pipeline.util import log, mkdirp
from mavis.constants import PROTOCOL


QSUB_HEADER = """#!/bin/bash
#$ -V
#$ -N {name}
#$ -q {queue}
#$ -o {output}
#$ -l mem_free={memory}G,mem_token={memory}G,h_vmem={memory}G
#$ -j y"""

[docs]def main_pipeline(args, configs): # read the config # set up the directory structure and run svmerge annotation_files = [] annotation_jobs = [] for sec in configs: base = os.path.join(args.output, '{}_{}'.format(sec.library, sec.protocol)) log('setting up the directory structure for', sec.library, 'as', base) base = os.path.join(args.output, '{}_{}'.format(sec.library, sec.protocol)) cluster_output = mkdirp(os.path.join(base, 'clustering')) validation_output = mkdirp(os.path.join(base, 'validation')) annotation_output = mkdirp(os.path.join(base, 'annotation')) # run the merge log('clustering') merge_args = {} merge_args.update(sec.__dict__) merge_args.update(args.__dict__) merge_args['output'] = os.path.join(base, 'clustering') output_files = cluster.main(**merge_args) merge_file_prefix = None for f in output_files: m = re.match('^(?P<prefix>.*\D)\$', f) if not m: raise UserWarning('cluster file did not match expected format', f) if merge_file_prefix is None: merge_file_prefix ='prefix') elif merge_file_prefix !='prefix'): raise UserWarning('merge file prefixes are not consistent', output_files) # now set up the qsub script for the validation and the held job for the annotation validation_args = { 'output': validation_output, 'masking': args.masking_filename, 'reference_genome': args.reference_genome_filename, 'blat_2bit_reference': args.blat_2bit_reference, 'annotations': args.annotations_filename, 'library': sec.library, 'bam_file': sec.bam_file, 'protocol': sec.protocol, 'read_length': sec.read_length, 'stdev_fragment_size': sec.stdev_fragment_size, 'median_fragment_size': sec.median_fragment_size, 'stranded_bam': sec.stranded_bam, 'protocol': sec.protocol } for attr in sorted(VALIDATION_DEFAULTS.__dict__.keys()): validation_args[attr] = getattr(sec, attr) qsub = os.path.join(validation_output, '') validation_jobname = 'validation_{}_{}'.format(sec.library, sec.protocol) with open(qsub, 'w') as fh: log('writing:', qsub) fh.write( QSUB_HEADER.format( queue=args.queue, memory=args.validate_memory, name=validation_jobname, output=validation_output ) + '\n') fh.write('#$ -t {}-{}\n'.format(1, len(output_files))) temp = [ '--{} {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in validation_args.items() if not isinstance(v, str) and v is not None] temp.extend( ['--{} "{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in validation_args.items() if isinstance(v, str) and v is not None]) validation_args = temp validation_args.append('-n {}$'.format(merge_file_prefix)) fh.write('python {} validate {}\n'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__), ' \\\n\t'.join(validation_args))) # set up the annotations job # for all files with the right suffix annotation_args = { 'output': annotation_output, 'reference_genome': args.reference_genome_filename, 'annotations': args.annotations_filename, 'template_metadata': args.template_metadata_filename, 'min_orf_size': sec.min_orf_size, 'max_orf_cap': sec.max_orf_cap, 'min_domain_mapping_match': sec.min_domain_mapping_match, 'domain_regex_filter': sec.domain_regex_filter, 'max_proximity': sec.max_proximity } temp = [ '--{} {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in annotation_args.items() if not isinstance(v, str) and v is not None] temp.extend( ['--{} "{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in annotation_args.items() if isinstance(v, str) and v is not None]) annotation_args = temp annotation_args.append('--inputs {}/*{}*{}'.format( validation_output, os.path.basename(merge_file_prefix), VALIDATION_PASS_SUFFIX)) qsub = os.path.join(annotation_output, '') annotation_jobname = 'annotation_{}_{}'.format(sec.library, sec.protocol) annotation_jobs.append(annotation_jobname) annotation_files.append(os.path.join(annotation_output, '')) with open(qsub, 'w') as fh: log('writing:', qsub) fh.write( QSUB_HEADER.format( queue=args.queue, memory=args.default_memory, name=annotation_jobname, output=annotation_output ) + '\n') fh.write('#$ -hold_jid {}\n'.format(validation_jobname)) fh.write('python {} annotate {}\n'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__), ' \\\n\t'.join(annotation_args))) # set up scripts for the pairing held on all of the annotation jobs pairing_output = mkdirp(os.path.join(args.output, 'pairing')) pairing_args = dict( output=pairing_output, split_call_distance=args.split_call_distance, contig_call_distance=args.contig_call_distance, flanking_call_distance=args.flanking_call_distance, max_proximity=args.max_proximity, annotations=args.annotations_filename, low_memory=args.low_memory ) temp = ['--{} {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in pairing_args.items() if not isinstance(v, str) and v is not None] temp.extend(['--{} "{}"'.format(k, v) for k, v in pairing_args.items() if isinstance(v, str) and v is not None]) temp.append('--inputs {}'.format(' '.join(annotation_files))) pairing_args = temp qsub = os.path.join(pairing_output, '') with open(qsub, 'w') as fh: log('writing:', qsub) fh.write( QSUB_HEADER.format( queue=args.queue, memory=args.default_memory, name='mavis_pairing', output=pairing_output ) + '\n') fh.write('#$ -hold_jid {}\n'.format(' '.join(annotation_jobs))) fh.write('python {} pairing {}\n'.format(os.path.abspath(__file__), ' \\\n\t'.join(pairing_args)))
[docs]def main(): def usage(err=None, detail=False): name = os.path.basename(__file__) u = '\nusage: {} {{cluster,validate,annotate,pairing,pipeline}} [-h] [-v]'.format(name) helpmenu = """ required arguments: pipeline_step specifies which step in the pipeline or which subprogram should be run. See possible input values above optional arguments: -h, --help bring up this help menu -v, --version output the version number To bring up individual help menus for a given pipeline step use the -h/--help option >>> {} <pipeline step> -h """.format(name) print(u) if detail: print(helpmenu) if err: print('{}: error:'.format(name), err, '\n') exit(1) exit(0) if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage('the <pipeline step> argument is required') elif sys.argv[1] in ['-h', '--help']: usage(detail=True) elif sys.argv[1] in ['-v', '--version']: print('{} version {}'.format(os.path.basename(__file__), __version__)) exit(0) pstep = sys.argv.pop(1) sys.argv[0] = '{} {}'.format(sys.argv[0], pstep) if pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.SUMMARY: raise NotImplementedError('summary script has not been written') args = pconf.parse_arguments(pstep) config = [] log('input arguments') for arg, val in sorted(args.__dict__.items()): log(arg, '=', repr(val), time_stamp=False) if pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.PIPELINE: if args.write: log('writing:', args.config) pconf.write_config(args.config, include_defaults=True) exit() else: temp, config = pconf.read_config(args.config) args.__dict__.update(temp.__dict__) for sec in config: sec.output = args.output # load the reference files if they have been given and reset the arguments to hold the original file name and the # loaded data if any([ pstep not in [pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.VALIDATE], hasattr(args, 'uninformative_filter') and args.uninformative_filter, pstep in [pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.VALIDATE, pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.CLUSTER] and args.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS, pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.PIPELINE and any([sec.protocol == PROTOCOL.TRANS for sec in config]) ]): log('loading:', args.annotations) args.annotations_filename = args.annotations args.annotations = load_reference_genes(args.annotations) else: args.annotations_filename = args.annotations args.annotations = None try: if pstep != pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.PIPELINE: log('loading:' if not args.low_memory else 'indexing:', args.reference_genome) args.reference_genome_filename = args.reference_genome args.reference_genome = load_reference_genome(args.reference_genome, args.low_memory) else: args.reference_genome_filename = args.reference_genome args.reference_genome = None except AttributeError: pass try: log('loading:', args.masking) args.masking_filename = args.masking args.masking = load_masking_regions(args.masking) except AttributeError as err: pass try: if pstep != pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.PIPELINE: log('loading:', args.template_metadata) args.template_metadata_filename = args.template_metadata args.template_metadata = load_templates(args.template_metadata) else: args.template_metadata_filename = args.template_metadata args.template_metadata = None except AttributeError: pass # decide which main function to execute if pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.CLUSTER: cluster.main(**args.__dict__) elif pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.VALIDATE: validate.main(**args.__dict__) elif pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.ANNOTATE: annotate.main(**args.__dict__) elif pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.PAIR: pairing.main(**args.__dict__) elif pstep == pconf.PIPELINE_STEP.SUMMARY: pass # main_summary(args) else: # PIPELINE main_pipeline(args, config)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()