Developing and deploying genomics technologies in support of cancer and life sciences research.

Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) at BC Cancer is an international leader in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics for precision medicine. By developing and deploying cutting-edge genome sequencing, computational and analytical technology, we are creating novel strategies to prevent and diagnose cancers and other diseases, uncovering new therapeutic targets and helping the world realize the social and economic benefits of genome science. 

Technology Platform

The GSC is available to support your research. We guide experimental design, facilitate the processing of complex biological samples and provide numerous sequencing and bioinformatic services with the aim of making genomics accessible to the international scientific community. Explore our technology platforms and services, and if you have questions or would like to collaborate please fill out our contact form or speak directly with one of our platform leaders.

The GSC is ISO27001 certified for information security management.

Scientific Research

The 16 faculty members at the GSC have a diverse range of expertise in genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics, epigenomics, immunogenetics, cancer biology, computer science and software development. Together, we apply our knowledge to advance the global understanding of cancer and other diseases with an ultimate aim toward improving human health through disease prevention, the development of novel diagnostic strategies and by uncovering new therapeutic approaches, all the while helping the world to realize the social and economic benefits of genome research.

Clinical Programs

The GSC is unique in that it fosters close collaborations between scientists and clinicians, allowing for an unencumbered focus on direct translational research. Through the Personalized OncoGenomics (POG) program, the GSC deploys whole genome and transcriptome sequencing to inform therapeutic and management strategies for late-stage cancer patients in real time. The GSC is also certified by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and the Diagnostic Accreditation Program (DAP) to perform clinical genomic panel testing.


Please feel free to speak with one of our Platform Leaders directly:

Directors & Platform Leaders


May 27, 2024

BC Cancer 2024 Summer Research Studentship Awards Announced

BC Cancer 2024 Summer Research Studentship competition, sponsored by the BC Cancer Foundation, supports senior undergraduate university students and/or junior medical or dental students seeking hands-on training in cancer research in British Columbia. These summer studentships may address any discipline of cancer research including clinical, translational, basic, behavioural and population research areas.

The 2024 awardees are:

Dec 06, 2023

The Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver, Joins the Earth BioGenome Secretariat - Embarking on a Groundbreaking Journey of Genomic Exploration in Biodiversity

The Genome Sciences Centre, a leading institution in genomic research and innovation, is proud to announce its recent affiliation as part of the Earth BioGenome Secretariat. This marks a significant milestone in the Centre's commitment to advancing the frontiers of genomics and biodiversity conservation.


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