DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
IBM data server clients and drivers overview > Installation methods for IBM data server clients >

Installing IBM data server clients (Linux and UNIX)

This task describes how to install an IBM® data server client on Linux® or UNIX®. The instructions apply to the IBM Data Server Client and the IBM Data Server Runtime Client. The main procedure covers a simple, but common, case where no DB2® product is already installed. A summary of the prerequisites is presented below. If you need more detailed information, see the related links at the end of this section.

If the machine already has a prior version of a client installed, you should first review topics that cover upgrading.

If the machine already has a DB2 server product installed, it is not necessary to install a client because the DB2 server provides all the capability found in IBM Data Server Client.

To install any IBM data server client on Linux or UNIX:

  1. Insert and mount the appropriate DVD.
  2. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted.
  3. Enter the ./db2setup command to start the DB2 Setup wizard.
  4. Choose Install a Product when the DB2 Launchpad opens.
  5. Select the client you want to install.
  6. Follow the DB2 Setup wizard's prompts. Help is available in the wizard to guide you through the remaining steps.

When installation is complete, the IBM data server client is installed by default in the following directories:


This installation does not include product documentation.

See the related links for options for installing or accessing the DB2 Information Center.

After installing your IBM data server client, the next step is to configure it to access a remote DB2 server.

Notes on national language installations

You can run the DB2 Setup wizard in a language other than the default system language by manually invoking the DB2 Setup wizard and specifying a language code. For example, the ./db2setup -i fr command runs the DB2 Setup wizard in French. However, the DB2 Setup wizard fields do not accept non-English characters.

Notes on installing on a machine that has an existing DB2 Version 9.5 client

The default directory name for the first copy is V9.7. If a copy is already installed, the second installation shows a default directory name of V9.7_01. In general, the default directory name is V9.7_nn where nn refers to the number of copies installed minus one.

Notes on installing on a machine that has an existing pre-DB2 Version 9.5 client

Installing a Data Server Client or Data Server Runtime Client on a system that already has either a DB2® Universal Database™ (UDB) Version 8 or DB2 Version 9 client preserves previous copy and installs an additional DB2 Version 9.5 (or higher) copy. For information on upgrading client instances to DB2 Version 9.5 (or higher), see the upgrading topics.

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