DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Installing on Linux and UNIX > Installing as a non-root user >

Enabling root-based features in non-root installations with db2rfe

There are several features and abilities in non-root installations that are initially unavailable but can be enabled by running a the db2rfe command

This task requires root authority.

To enable the features and abilities that are initially unavailable in non-root installations:

  1. Locate the sample configuration files. Two sample configuration files are provided: where $HOME is the non-root user's home directory.
  2. Copy one of the sample configuration files to a different location so the original file remains unaltered.
  3. Update the copied configuration file as needed. This configuration file is input to the db2rfe command. An example of a configuration file is:
    • The value for the INSTANCENAME parameter is filled in automatically by DB2 installer
    • The SET_ULIMIT parameter is available only on AIX®. On other operating systems, a user with root authority needs to set ulimit values manually.
    • The default value for the other keywords is NO
    • Child parameters (such as SVCENAME) are commented out by default. Comments are denoted with **
    • If you set a parameter to YES, and if it has any child parameters, it is recommended that you uncomment the child parameters and provide appropriate values. Any port values that are provided are examples. Ensure the port values you assign are free.
    An example is provided below to show an edited configuration file that will enable the following features and abilities: To enable these features and abilities, edit the configuration file as follows:
  4. Log in as a user with root authority
  5. Navigate to the $HOME/sqllib/instance directory, where $HOME represent's the non-root user's home directory.
  6. Run the db2rfe command using the following syntax:
    db2rfe -f config_file
    where config_file is the configuration file created in Step 3.

You must rerun the db2rfe command after applying fix packs to keep root-based features enabled on non-root installations.

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